Welcome To Rose Central Public School
On the auspicious day of 23rd March 2014. Rose central public school was established to provide all possible opportunities to students irrespective of any obvious discrimination whatsoever. The credit goes to Smt Ranjana Mishra who storve day and night continuously to give a shape to this institution what it is today.

Our children are the pillars of a healthy nation as emersion recalls, they are also a mound of clay who need a patient and expert hand of some Michael angelo to muld it into a breathing statue. Developing in its students a bold personality whithout making any shemozzle. Our emphasis is on providing an all – round education which in addition to the general curriculum, a welcome emphasis on the development of handicarafts, on art education , especially on physical education, games and sports.
Update Date : 17/01/2023
Admission Open

Update Date : 17/01/2023
Welcome in Rose Central Public School

Manager's Desk
I came across this amazing quote quite suddenly when I was looking for some information in the internet and realized how relevant it is for all of us: children, parents and teachers. There is never any point in the life of a person when he can sit back and say. “There is nothing more to learn, I can relax with the comforting thought that the universe....
Principal's Desk
The role of the principal covers many different areas including leadership, teacher evaluation, student discipline, and many others. Being an effective principal is hard work and is also time-consuming. A good principal is balanced within all their roles and works hard to ensure that that they are doing what they feel is best for all constituents involved....
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